Last 5 Month Suggestions for IIT JEE 2018

The last few months are very important.If you waste this time and time will waste you.

Time is precious during the last few months. Especially the time between JEE Main and JEE Advanced. This time is the rank deciding factor.

Let me make it a bit more explanatory. 

The people who haven't prepared well during the past two years are going to make full use of this time. Such students were not able to prepare well because of say school exams, board exams etc. But now(after board exams are over), they are completely free of any load and will charge themselves to the fullest.

They might easily go ahead if you don't work hard. So better utilize this time.
To be precise, do the following :

  1. Do endless revision of inorganic chemistry. If you don't revise now, then it will be washed away.
  2. Solve innumerable problems of organic and physical chemistry.
  3. Solve as many problems as you can from various topics.
  4. Make a clear list of topics/chapters in which you are weak.
  5. Practice infinite problems of the chapters in the above list.
  6. Make sure you have completed NCERT books thoroughly.
  7. Make sure that you are solving a good amount of problems in a given time. Always have a timer with you to time yourself.
  8. Take special care of your health. You don't want to waste even a fraction of this time.
  9. Increase your study hours by around 10%.
  10. Think about your target. Keep the target in mind and stay motivated.
  11. Do well in the test series. Make sure to analyse your mistakes in every paper.
  12. Note down the silly mistakes that you committed in the exams and make it a point that you don't repeat the same mistake again.
  13. IRevise your coaching notes regularly.
  14. Cut down your extra curricular activities especially those activities in which your body gets exhausted (sports etc)

Work hard, work smart. 

The IITs are calling you.


  1. Wankhede Madam Academy is the Best Coaching Institute for IIT in Nagpur with the top most faculties, maintaining the highest selection ratio for admission to the best Engineering Colleges in India.


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