Strategy For Getting Top Ranks in IIT JEE 2019

Coaching Student

You are at the position (after starting preparation from may) where you know at least syllabus of JEE right. It's vast and considerable.

Some Important Tips for You

  1. Never ignore your homework. Always complete your homework so you have no any backlog homework.
  2. Give your coaching material as a first priority.
  3. Complete your sheet by solving every question, either easy or tough.
  4. Don't underestimate H. C Verma.
  5. Take your Test very serious.
  6. Join some national level test series if your coaching doesn't do this.
  7. Always be in touch with your teacher very frankly throughout your academic matters.
  8. After solving all your coaching material try to solve some tough book like S. L Loney, IE Irodov, LG wade etc.
  9. After completing your whole syllabus practise fir mock test only.

Self Study

Firstly you have to know what the syllabus for IIT JEE 2019 so collect this information from IIT JEE website.

  1. Make your routine which have less waste of time and maximum efficiency.
  2. Buy all books related to your syllabus you can also buy coaching material from coaching like FIITJEE, RESONANCE, ALLEN, VIBRANT, MOTION etc. by online registration.
  3. You can also use TOPPR app for all your guidance syllabus ,test series, practise for all.
  4. Complete your syllabus till November.
  5. After that you have to do mock test daily and increase your capacity to get more marks in main exams.

If you have any doubt, frankly comment in box.


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